Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Letter V

I got distracted from my alphabet series when we came back from Europe and then it was straight into Christmas, but I hadn't forgotten it and now it is back with only four more letters to go.

Violet Powder

Vertical Stripes

Velvet Ribbon

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Blue on Blue

A perfect Autumn day sitting outside having a coffee in Mt Lawley

Monday, April 23, 2012

Bonnie and Neil

I love my new table centrepiece by Bonnie and Neil.

I first discovered them on a trip to Melbourne but now you can find some of their things in selected stores in Perth, including Storia in Guildford and Remedy in Leederville.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Confusion in the Garden

The plants in my garden seem to be confused!

The azaleas and camellias, which flower in Winter, are starting to flower now, but the daisy bush (which flowers in Summer, has started flowering again.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Op Shop Finds - what they turned into - Part 1

I said I would show you what I did with my op shop finds from last week, so here we go.

With one of the old books I made a paper sculpture and I took pictures as I went along so that I could show you how I did it.

Starting with the first page of the book, I folded the top of the page down, and then the bottom of the page up, so that the page turned into a triangle shape.  I then continued on until all the pages of the book were folded and it looked like the picture above.

With a sharp Stanley knife I then carefully removed the cover.

From the discarded cover I cut two small circles (about the size of a 10 cent coin) and punched a hole in the centre of each.

I stuck one of the card circles to the bottom of the paper shape (using a good craft glue) and then threaded some sturdy cord through the circle and through the centre of the paper shape.

Then I threaded the cord through the other circle and stuck the circle to the top of the shape (sticking the circles means that the shape hangs nice and straight and the paper doesn't rip).

And there it is!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Go Go Retro Roadshow

On Sunday morning we went to check out the Go Go Retro Roadshow in South Perth.  Nestled in amongst the rails of vintage clothes and boxes of vinyl records were some real goodies.

Unfortunately we missed the live go go dancers who were due to appear later in the day.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Op Shop Haul

I went to one of my favourite op shops today and ended up with a very satisfactory haul.

A detail from the cover of the book which was at the bottom of my pile - a journal from The Stanley School of Dress Cutting & Design.

Instructions carefully handwritten in the journal on how to make a "foundation bodice".

I will show you next week what I make with some of these treasures (and here is a tip - it won't be a foundation bodice)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Albany in April

As we do most years, we spent the Easter break in Albany.

This year the weather was beautiful so we spent a lot of time out walking on the beaches.

The island just off Emu Point

Emu Point

I liked the opalescence of this shell on Goode Beach

A lone fisherman on Goode Beach

A 2m python on the side of the road to Goode Beach.  He was just basking in the sun.

A spectacular orange moon over the wheat silos in Albany port.

Salmon Holes